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China's largest single-unit floating PV power project connected to grid


  On December 27, 2023, China's largest single-unit floating PV power project connected to the grid in Fuyang, Anhui Province. Built by CTG, the project boasts a total installed capacity of 650 MW, featuring 1.2 million solar modules, 85.8 million floating structures, and related components. The project is expected to generate around 700 GWh of electricity annually, which could save 220,000 tonnes of standard coal and reduce carbon emissions by nearly 580,000 tonnes per year.

  This floating solar power project is a part of the larger 1.2 GW Southern Fuyang Wind and Solar Storage Base Project. It utilizes the idle water sufaces at the sunk area of coal mining, and combines solar power generation with fisheries to maximize ecological benefits.


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